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Legend (Geology/NSW_SeamlessGeology_CSP)

Structure Points CSP (1)
Horizontal bedding (strata) Horizontal bedding (strata)
Strike of strata, dip not determine Strike of strata, dip not determine
Strike and dip of bedding Strike and dip of bedding
Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging
Trendlines CSP (2)
Lunette crest, approximate. Lunette crest, approximate.
Trendline Trendline
Sand ridge/dune crest, approximate Sand ridge/dune crest, approximate
Sand ridge/dune crest, accurate Sand ridge/dune crest, accurate
Palaeodrainage, interpreted from geophysics. Palaeodrainage, interpreted from geophysics.
Open cut or quarry Open cut or quarry
Landslip Landslip
Escarpment Escarpment
Drainage trace, airphoto interpreted Drainage trace, airphoto interpreted
Deep lead, approximate. Deep lead, approximate.
Buffered dendritic drainage lines Buffered dendritic drainage lines
Boundary of depositional basin Boundary of depositional basin
Alluvial terrace, approximate. Alluvial terrace, approximate.
Alluvial terrace, accurate. Alluvial terrace, accurate.
Geological Boundaries CSP (3)
invisible line invisible line
Map edge or end of data Map edge or end of data
Geological boundary, position accurate Geological boundary, position accurate
Geological boundary, position approximate Geological boundary, position approximate
Geological boundary, inferred Geological boundary, inferred
Geological boundary, concealed Geological boundary, concealed
Geological boundary, inferred, concealed Geological boundary, inferred, concealed
Transitional geological boundary Transitional geological boundary
Bedrock boundary. Bedrock boundary.
Concealed coal seam subcrop line Concealed coal seam subcrop line
Angular unconformity - accurate Angular unconformity - accurate
Angular unconformity,approximate Angular unconformity,approximate
Disconformity, accurate Disconformity, accurate
Disconformity, approximate Disconformity, approximate
Nonconformity, accurate Nonconformity, accurate
Nonconformity, approximate Nonconformity, approximate
Marker bed 0 Marker bed 0
Schist zone boundary, concealed Schist zone boundary, concealed
Fault, position accurate Fault, position accurate
Fault, position approximate Fault, position approximate
Fault, inferred Fault, inferred
Fault showing relative displacement: down,up Fault showing relative displacement: down,up
Thrust-fault, approximate Thrust-fault, approximate
Thrust fault, inferred Thrust fault, inferred
Shear zone, position inferred Shear zone, position inferred
Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data
Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position approximate Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position approximate
Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position inferred Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position inferred
Boundary, probable; interpreted from geophysics Boundary, probable; interpreted from geophysics
Coastline Coastline
Water feature boundary Water feature boundary
Lake edge Lake edge
State or Territory border State or Territory border
Regolith-landform unit boundary Regolith-landform unit boundary
Rock Units Colours CSP (4)
CZ__t CZ__t
CZ_a CZ_a
CZ_aa CZ_aa
CZ_ag CZ_ag
CZ_agc CZ_agc
CZ_ath CZ_ath
CZ_athc CZ_athc
CZ_athf CZ_athf
CZ_aths CZ_aths
CZ_athv CZ_athv
CZ_c CZ_c
CZ_cmv CZ_cmv
CZ_ct CZ_ct
CZ_d CZ_d
CZ_dds CZ_dds
CZ_r CZ_r
CZ_rca CZ_rca
CZ_rf CZ_rf
CZ_rff CZ_rff
CZ_rfm CZ_rfm
CZ_rg CZ_rg
CZ_ri CZ_ri
CZucb CZucb
CZumg CZumg
CZumm CZumm
CZump CZump
CZus CZus
CZus__s CZus__s
CZweb CZweb
CZweg CZweg
CZwua CZwua
CZwuc CZwuc
CZwul CZwul
CZwuo CZwuo
CZwup CZwup
CZwus CZwus
CZwus_a CZwus_a
CZwus_b CZwus_b
CZwus_d CZwus_d
CZwus_p CZwus_p
CZwus_s CZwus_s
CZwus_t CZwus_t
GN_a GN_a
GN_ag GN_ag
GN_ct GN_ct
GN_ctf GN_ctf
GN_di GN_di
GN_r GN_r
GN_rf GN_rf
GN_rff GN_rff
GN_ri GN_ri
G__c G__c
G__c_b G__c_b
G__c_s G__c_s
G__e G__e
G__s G__s
G_a G_a
G_ag G_ag
G_cg G_cg
G_l G_l
NM__d NM__d
NM__i NM__i
NMsg NMsg
N__d N__d
N_a N_a
N_ac N_ac
N_r N_r
QH__s QH__s
QH__s_l QH__s_l
QH__w QH__w
QH__w_x QH__w_x
QH_a QH_a
QH_acb QH_acb
QH_acm QH_acm
QH_af QH_af
QH_afs QH_afs
QH_al QH_al
QH_ath QH_ath
QH_atl QH_atl
QH_avf QH_avf
QH_bd QH_bd
QH_bdm QH_bdm
QH_bdr QH_bdr
QH_bf QH_bf
QH_bk QH_bk
QH_bl QH_bl
QH_blw QH_blw
QH_br QH_br
QH_brs QH_brs
QH_byw QH_byw
QH_ds QH_ds
QH_e QH_e
QH_ea QH_ea
QH_eb QH_eb
QH_ebw QH_ebw
QH_ec QH_ec
QH_eci QH_eci
QH_ecw QH_ecw
QH_ed QH_ed
QH_edw QH_edw
QH_ei QH_ei
QH_ep QH_ep
QH_er QH_er
QH_es QH_es
QH_et QH_et
QH_etw QH_etw
QH_hfr QH_hfr
QH_hr QH_hr
QH_hw QH_hw
QH_hx QH_hx
QH_hxx QH_hxx
QH_l QH_l
QH_rd QH_rd
QP_a QP_a
QP_at QP_at
QP_bd QP_bd
QP_bdm QP_bdm
QP_bdr QP_bdr
QP_bf QP_bf
QP_bkw QP_bkw
QP_br QP_br
QP_bra QP_bra
QP_brb QP_brb
QP_brs QP_brs
QP_e QP_e
QP_eb QP_eb
QP_er QP_er
QP_es QP_es
QP_et QP_et
QP_u QP_u
Q__b_b Q__b_b
Q__b_b_g Q__b_b_g
Q__b_c Q__b_c
Q__b_m Q__b_m
Q__b_m_g Q__b_m_g
Q__b_p Q__b_p
Q__b_s Q__b_s
Q__bn_b Q__bn_b
Q__bn_c Q__bn_c
Q__bn_s Q__bn_s
Q__c_b Q__c_b
Q__c_c Q__c_c
Q__c_d Q__c_d
Q__c_m Q__c_m
Q__m_a Q__m_a
Q__m_b Q__m_b
Q__m_c Q__m_c
Q__m_d Q__m_d
Q__m_e Q__m_e
Q__m_f Q__m_f
Q__m_l Q__m_l
Q__m_m Q__m_m
Q__m_r Q__m_r
Q__m_s Q__m_s
Q__o Q__o
Q__t_b Q__t_b
Q__t_c Q__t_c
Q__t_m Q__t_m
Q__w Q__w
Q__y Q__y
Q__y_s Q__y_s
Q_a Q_a
Q_aa Q_aa
Q_ab Q_ab
Q_ac Q_ac
Q_acb Q_acb
Q_acm Q_acm
Q_acw Q_acw
Q_ae Q_ae
Q_af Q_af
Q_afa Q_afa
Q_afb Q_afb
Q_afd Q_afd
Q_afe Q_afe
Q_afg Q_afg
Q_afo Q_afo
Q_afq Q_afq
Q_afs Q_afs
Q_ag Q_ag
Q_al Q_al
Q_ap Q_ap
Q_at Q_at
Q_ath Q_ath
Q_athf Q_athf
Q_atl Q_atl
Q_av Q_av
Q_avf Q_avf
Q_avt Q_avt
Q_b Q_b
Q_bb Q_bb
Q_bbg Q_bbg
Q_bd Q_bd
Q_bdb Q_bdb
Q_bdm Q_bdm
Q_bl Q_bl
Q_blw Q_blw
Q_c Q_c
Q_ca Q_ca
Q_cd Q_cd
Q_cm Q_cm
Q_cr Q_cr
Q_cs Q_cs
Q_csg Q_csg
Q_csgm Q_csgm
Q_csgq Q_csgq
Q_csgs Q_csgs
Q_csgx Q_csgx
Q_ct Q_ct
Q_ctf Q_ctf
Q_ctv Q_ctv
Q_d Q_d
Q_dd Q_dd
Q_dd_a Q_dd_a
Q_ddl Q_ddl
Q_ddlc Q_ddlc
Q_ddlk Q_ddlk
Q_ddll Q_ddll
Q_ddls Q_ddls
Q_dds Q_dds
Q_ds Q_ds
Q_dsg Q_dsg
Q_dss Q_dss
Q_dsw Q_dsw
Q_h Q_h
Q_hd Q_hd
Q_hf Q_hf
Q_hl Q_hl
Q_hw Q_hw
Q_l Q_l
Q_lb Q_lb
Q_ld Q_ld
Q_lp Q_lp
Q_lpd Q_lpd
Q_lpg Q_lpg
Q_lpk Q_lpk
Q_lpl Q_lpl
Q_lps Q_lps
Q_lpv Q_lpv
Q_lpw Q_lpw
Q_ls Q_ls
Q_lw Q_lw
Q_m Q_m
Q_r Q_r
Q_ra Q_ra
Q_rag Q_rag
Q_rc Q_rc
Q_rf Q_rf
Q_rff Q_rff
Q_rfm Q_rfm
Q_ri Q_ri
Q_rm Q_rm
Q_rq Q_rq
Q_rsa Q_rsa
Q_rx Q_rx