Structure Points CSP (1)
| Horizontal bedding (strata) |
| Strike of strata, dip not determine |
| Strike and dip of bedding |
| Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging |
Trendlines CSP (2)
| Lunette crest, approximate. |
| Trendline |
| Sand ridge/dune crest, approximate |
| Sand ridge/dune crest, accurate |
| Palaeodrainage, interpreted from geophysics. |
| Open cut or quarry |
| Landslip |
| Escarpment |
| Drainage trace, airphoto interpreted |
| Deep lead, approximate. |
| Buffered dendritic drainage lines |
| Boundary of depositional basin |
| Alluvial terrace, approximate. |
| Alluvial terrace, accurate. |
Geological Boundaries CSP (3)
| invisible line |
| Map edge or end of data |
| Geological boundary, position accurate |
| Geological boundary, position approximate |
| Geological boundary, inferred |
| Geological boundary, concealed |
| Geological boundary, inferred, concealed |
| Transitional geological boundary |
| Bedrock boundary. |
| Concealed coal seam subcrop line |
| Angular unconformity - accurate |
| Angular unconformity,approximate |
| Disconformity, accurate |
| Disconformity, approximate |
| Nonconformity, accurate |
| Nonconformity, approximate |
| Marker bed 0 |
| Schist zone boundary, concealed |
| Fault, position accurate |
| Fault, position approximate |
| Fault, inferred |
| Fault showing relative displacement: down,up |
| Thrust-fault, approximate |
| Thrust fault, inferred |
| Shear zone, position inferred |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position approximate |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position inferred |
| Boundary, probable; interpreted from geophysics |
| Coastline |
| Water feature boundary |
| Lake edge |
| State or Territory border |
| Regolith-landform unit boundary |
Rock Units Colours CSP (4)
| CZ__t |
| CZ_a |
| CZ_aa |
| CZ_ag |
| CZ_agc |
| CZ_ath |
| CZ_athc |
| CZ_athf |
| CZ_aths |
| CZ_athv |
| CZ_c |
| CZ_cmv |
| CZ_ct |
| CZ_d |
| CZ_dds |
| CZ_r |
| CZ_rca |
| CZ_rf |
| CZ_rff |
| CZ_rfm |
| CZ_rg |
| CZ_ri |
| CZucb |
| CZumg |
| CZumm |
| CZump |
| CZus |
| CZus__s |
| CZweb |
| CZweg |
| CZwua |
| CZwuc |
| CZwul |
| CZwuo |
| CZwup |
| CZwus |
| CZwus_a |
| CZwus_b |
| CZwus_d |
| CZwus_p |
| CZwus_s |
| CZwus_t |
| GN_a |
| GN_ag |
| GN_ct |
| GN_ctf |
| GN_di |
| GN_r |
| GN_rf |
| GN_rff |
| GN_ri |
| G__c |
| G__c_b |
| G__c_s |
| G__e |
| G__s |
| G_a |
| G_ag |
| G_cg |
| G_l |
| NM__d |
| NM__i |
| NMsg |
| N__d |
| N_a |
| N_ac |
| N_r |
| QH__s |
| QH__s_l |
| QH__w |
| QH__w_x |
| QH_a |
| QH_acb |
| QH_acm |
| QH_af |
| QH_afs |
| QH_al |
| QH_ath |
| QH_atl |
| QH_avf |
| QH_bd |
| QH_bdm |
| QH_bdr |
| QH_bf |
| QH_bk |
| QH_bl |
| QH_blw |
| QH_br |
| QH_brs |
| QH_byw |
| QH_ds |
| QH_e |
| QH_ea |
| QH_eb |
| QH_ebw |
| QH_ec |
| QH_eci |
| QH_ecw |
| QH_ed |
| QH_edw |
| QH_ei |
| QH_ep |
| QH_er |
| QH_es |
| QH_et |
| QH_etw |
| QH_hfr |
| QH_hr |
| QH_hw |
| QH_hx |
| QH_hxx |
| QH_l |
| QH_rd |
| QP_a |
| QP_at |
| QP_bd |
| QP_bdm |
| QP_bdr |
| QP_bf |
| QP_bkw |
| QP_br |
| QP_bra |
| QP_brb |
| QP_brs |
| QP_e |
| QP_eb |
| QP_er |
| QP_es |
| QP_et |
| QP_u |
| Q__b_b |
| Q__b_b_g |
| Q__b_c |
| Q__b_m |
| Q__b_m_g |
| Q__b_p |
| Q__b_s |
| Q__bn_b |
| Q__bn_c |
| Q__bn_s |
| Q__c_b |
| Q__c_c |
| Q__c_d |
| Q__c_m |
| Q__m_a |
| Q__m_b |
| Q__m_c |
| Q__m_d |
| Q__m_e |
| Q__m_f |
| Q__m_l |
| Q__m_m |
| Q__m_r |
| Q__m_s |
| Q__o |
| Q__t_b |
| Q__t_c |
| Q__t_m |
| Q__w |
| Q__y |
| Q__y_s |
| Q_a |
| Q_aa |
| Q_ab |
| Q_ac |
| Q_acb |
| Q_acm |
| Q_acw |
| Q_ae |
| Q_af |
| Q_afa |
| Q_afb |
| Q_afd |
| Q_afe |
| Q_afg |
| Q_afo |
| Q_afq |
| Q_afs |
| Q_ag |
| Q_al |
| Q_ap |
| Q_at |
| Q_ath |
| Q_athf |
| Q_atl |
| Q_av |
| Q_avf |
| Q_avt |
| Q_b |
| Q_bb |
| Q_bbg |
| Q_bd |
| Q_bdb |
| Q_bdm |
| Q_bl |
| Q_blw |
| Q_c |
| Q_ca |
| Q_cd |
| Q_cm |
| Q_cr |
| Q_cs |
| Q_csg |
| Q_csgm |
| Q_csgq |
| Q_csgs |
| Q_csgx |
| Q_ct |
| Q_ctf |
| Q_ctv |
| Q_d |
| Q_dd |
| Q_dd_a |
| Q_ddl |
| Q_ddlc |
| Q_ddlk |
| Q_ddll |
| Q_ddls |
| Q_dds |
| Q_ds |
| Q_dsg |
| Q_dss |
| Q_dsw |
| Q_h |
| Q_hd |
| Q_hf |
| Q_hl |
| Q_hw |
| Q_l |
| Q_lb |
| Q_ld |
| Q_lp |
| Q_lpd |
| Q_lpg |
| Q_lpk |
| Q_lpl |
| Q_lps |
| Q_lpv |
| Q_lpw |
| Q_ls |
| Q_lw |
| Q_m |
| Q_r |
| Q_ra |
| Q_rag |
| Q_rc |
| Q_rf |
| Q_rff |
| Q_rfm |
| Q_ri |
| Q_rm |
| Q_rq |
| Q_rsa |
| Q_rx |