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Legend (Geology/NSW_SeamlessGeology_CUR)

Structure Points CUR (1)
Strike and dip of bedding; Strike of strata, dip not determined Strike and dip of bedding; Strike of strata, dip not determined
Strike and dip of inverted strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing Strike and dip of inverted strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing
Strike and dip of inverted strata Strike and dip of inverted strata
Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging
Vertical bedding (strata) Vertical bedding (strata)
Vertical strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing Vertical strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing
Strike and dip of schistosity; Stike and dip of late stage schistosity Strike and dip of schistosity; Stike and dip of late stage schistosity
Strike and dip of gneissosity Strike and dip of gneissosity
Vertical gneissosity Vertical gneissosity
Vertical schistosity Vertical schistosity
Vertical foliation Vertical foliation
Strike and dip of cleavage Strike and dip of cleavage
Vertical cleavage Vertical cleavage
Strike and dip of vein Strike and dip of vein
Minor syncline showing plunge, upright Minor syncline showing plunge, upright
Asymmetrical fold, vergence to left Asymmetrical fold, vergence to left
Asymmetrical fold, vergence to right Asymmetrical fold, vergence to right
Minor symmetrical fold with plunge Minor symmetrical fold with plunge
Minor anticline showing plunge, upright Minor anticline showing plunge, upright
Folded bedding showing plunge Folded bedding showing plunge
Strike and dip of fault plane Strike and dip of fault plane
Dip of fold axial surface Dip of fold axial surface
Strike and dip of joint Strike and dip of joint
Minor fold showing plunge Minor fold showing plunge
Fault showing striated slickensides Fault showing striated slickensides
Plunge of mineral elongation/alignment Plunge of mineral elongation/alignment
Fold Axes CUR (2)
Anticline, concealed Anticline, concealed
Anticline, position accurate Anticline, position accurate
Anticline, position approximate Anticline, position approximate
Antiform, position accurate Antiform, position accurate
Fold axial surface trace, accurate. Fold axial surface trace, accurate.
Syncline, concealed Syncline, concealed
Syncline, position accurate Syncline, position accurate
Syncline, position approximate Syncline, position approximate
Synform, position accurate Synform, position accurate
Synform, position approximate Synform, position approximate
Trendlines CUR (3)
Bedding trend, interpreted from geophysics Bedding trend, interpreted from geophysics
Trend-line interpreted from geophysical data Trend-line interpreted from geophysical data
Dyke or Vein Dyke or Vein
Dyke, approximate Dyke, approximate
Shear zone (linear), interpretted from airphoto Shear zone (linear), interpretted from airphoto
Geological boundaries (Simplified) (5)
Geological boundary, inferred Geological boundary, inferred
Geological boundary, position accurate Geological boundary, position accurate
Geological boundary, position approximate Geological boundary, position approximate
Map edge or end of data Map edge or end of data
State or Territory border State or Territory border
invisible line invisible line
Faults and schist zones (Simplified) (6)
Schist zone boundary Schist zone boundary
Schist zone boundary, concealed Schist zone boundary, concealed
Fault, position accurate Fault, position accurate
Fault, position approximate Fault, position approximate
Fault, inferred Fault, inferred
Fault, concealed Fault, concealed
Retrograde Rock Units (Simplified) (7)
Rock Unit Polygons (Simplified) (8)
a a
ae ae
af af
afe afe
afh afh
afm afm
ag ag
ah ah
ahp ahp
am am
aq aq
ax ax
b b
ba ba
bp bp
bx bx
cn cn
cs cs
ra ra
rae rae
raf raf
rag rag
rahp rahp
rax rax
rba rba
rbp rbp
rbx rbx
rcn rcn
rcs rcs
fb fb
E-g E-g
E-n E-n
EM-g EM-g
EM-n EM-n
Fg Fg
Fl Fl
Fp Fp
M-g M-g
M-n M-n
S-g S-g
S-n S-n
SE-g SE-g
SE-n SE-n
SM-g SM-g
SM-n SM-n
rE rE
rE-n rE-n
rEM-g rEM-g
rEM-n rEM-n
rFg rFg
rFl rFl
rFp rFp
rM rM
rM-g rM-g
rM-n rM-n
rS rS
rS-g rS-g
rS-n rS-n
rSE-g rSE-g
rSE-n rSE-n
rSM-g rSM-g
rSM-n rSM-n
Bc Bc
Bf Bf
Bm Bm
Ga Ga
Gm Gm
La La
Lf Lf
Lg Lg
Lq Lq
Pl Pl
p p
rBc rBc
rBf rBf
rBm rBm
rG rG
rGm rGm
rLf rLf
rLg rLg
rLq rLq
rPl rPl
rp rp
rc rc
rca rca
rcg rcg
rm rm
rm-c rm-c
rst rst
Slag Slag
cg cg
fe fe
mn mn
q q
qb qb
qc qc
qe qe
ql ql
qs qs
rq rq
rqc rqc
t t
ts ts
bif bif
gh gh
gq gq
gs gs
mg mg
ms ms
qf qf
qg qg
qm qm
rms rms
rqg rqg
Shear zone boundaries - CUR solid geology (132)
State or Territory border State or Territory border
Narrow schist zone or fautl, position accurate Narrow schist zone or fautl, position accurate
Fault, concealed Fault, concealed
Fault, inferred Fault, inferred
Fault, position approximate Fault, position approximate
Fault, position accurate Fault, position accurate
Schist zone boundary - inferred Schist zone boundary - inferred
Schist zone boundary - position accurate Schist zone boundary - position accurate
Unconformity - concealed Unconformity - concealed
Unconformity - position approximate Unconformity - position approximate
Shear zone polygons - CUR solid geology (133)
Geological boundaries & misc. boundaries - CUR solid geology (134)
Unconformity, inferred Unconformity, inferred
Unconformity, approximately Unconformity, approximately
Transitional geological boundary Transitional geological boundary
Transitional geological boundary Transitional geological boundary
State or Territory border State or Territory border
Intrusive contact, inferred. Intrusive contact, inferred.
Geological boundary, position approximate Geological boundary, position approximate
Geological boundary, position accurate Geological boundary, position accurate
Geological boundary, inferred Geological boundary, inferred
Geological boundary, concealed Geological boundary, concealed
Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data
Faults and schist zones - CUR solid geology (135)
Schist zone boundary Schist zone boundary
Fault, position accurate Fault, position accurate
Fault, position approximate Fault, position approximate
Fault, inferred Fault, inferred
Fault, concealed Fault, concealed
Narrow shear zone Narrow shear zone
Narrow schist zone or fault Narrow schist zone or fault
Rock Units - patterns - CUR solid geology (136)
Amphibolite Amphibolite
Basalt Basalt
Conglomerate Conglomerate
Diamictite Diamictite
Diorite Diorite
Dolerite Dolerite
Dolomite Dolomite
Gabbro Gabbro
Granite Granite
Limestone Limestone
Pegmatite Pegmatite
Rock Units - colours - CUR solid geology (137)
Euu__d Euu__d
MPmu MPmu
MPuu__p MPuu__p
NP__b NP__b
NP__l NP__l
NP__r NP__r
NPfa NPfa
NPfac NPfac
NPfad NPfad
NPfaf NPfaf
NPfaf_q NPfaf_q
NPfal NPfal
NPfam NPfam
NPfas NPfas
NPgrv NPgrv
NPpow NPpow
NPpp NPpp
NPppc NPppc
NPppl NPppl
NPpwb NPpwb
NPte NPte
NPtec NPtec
NPtef NPtef
NPtef_c NPtef_c
NPtem NPtem
NPtem_b NPtem_b
NPtet NPtet
NPtet_c NPtet_c
NPtet_l NPtet_l
NPtew NPtew
NPtey NPtey
NPto NPto
NPtt NPtt
NPtt_a NPtt_a
NPtta NPtta
NPttd NPttd
NPttg NPttg
NPttn NPttn
NPty NPty
NPtyb NPtyb
NPtyi NPtyi
NPtym NPtym
NPtyt NPtyt
NPtyu NPtyu
NPtyuk NPtyuk
NPtyw NPtyw
NPtyy NPtyy
NPuu__a NPuu__a
NPuu__g NPuu__g
NPuu__p NPuu__p
NPuu__s NPuu__s
PPbh PPbh
PPbha PPbha
PPbhae PPbhae
PPbhf PPbhf
PPbhh PPbhh
PPbhp PPbhp
PPcu PPcu
PPcu__l PPcu__l
PPcu__m PPcu__m
PPlla PPlla
PPlls PPlls
PPpa PPpa
PPpa__g PPpa__g
PPpab PPpab
PPpac PPpac
PPpack PPpack
PPpad PPpad
PPra PPra
PPrae PPrae
PPraf PPraf
PPram PPram
PPrar PPrar
PPsc PPsc
PPsca PPsca
PPscg PPscg
PPscr PPscr
PPscs PPscs
PPscw PPscw
PPsu PPsu
PPth PPth
PPthc PPthc
PPthh PPthh
PPthl PPthl
PPuu__p PPuu__p
PPw___a PPw___a
PPw_t PPw_t
PPw_tc PPw_tc
PZui__m PZui__m