Structure Points CUR (1)
| Strike and dip of bedding; Strike of strata, dip not determined |
| Strike and dip of inverted strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing |
| Strike and dip of inverted strata |
| Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging |
| Vertical bedding (strata) |
| Vertical strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing |
| Strike and dip of schistosity; Stike and dip of late stage schistosity |
| Strike and dip of gneissosity |
| Vertical gneissosity |
| Vertical schistosity |
| Vertical foliation |
| Strike and dip of cleavage |
| Vertical cleavage |
| Strike and dip of vein |
| Minor syncline showing plunge, upright |
| Asymmetrical fold, vergence to left |
| Asymmetrical fold, vergence to right |
| Minor symmetrical fold with plunge |
| Minor anticline showing plunge, upright |
| Folded bedding showing plunge |
| Strike and dip of fault plane |
| Dip of fold axial surface |
| Strike and dip of joint |
| Minor fold showing plunge |
| Fault showing striated slickensides |
| Plunge of mineral elongation/alignment |
Fold Axes CUR (2)
| Anticline, concealed |
| Anticline, position accurate |
| Anticline, position approximate |
| Antiform, position accurate |
| Fold axial surface trace, accurate. |
| Syncline, concealed |
| Syncline, position accurate |
| Syncline, position approximate |
| Synform, position accurate |
| Synform, position approximate |
Trendlines CUR (3)
| Bedding trend, interpreted from geophysics |
| Trend-line interpreted from geophysical data |
| Dyke or Vein |
| Dyke, approximate |
| Shear zone (linear), interpretted from airphoto |
Geological boundaries (Simplified) (5)
| Geological boundary, inferred |
| Geological boundary, position accurate |
| Geological boundary, position approximate |
| Map edge or end of data |
| State or Territory border |
| invisible line |
Faults and schist zones (Simplified) (6)
| Schist zone boundary |
| Schist zone boundary, concealed |
| Fault, position accurate |
| Fault, position approximate |
| Fault, inferred |
| Fault, concealed |
Retrograde Rock Units (Simplified) (7)
Rock Unit Polygons (Simplified) (8)
| a |
| ae |
| af |
| afe |
| afh |
| afm |
| ag |
| ah |
| ahp |
| am |
| aq |
| ax |
| b |
| ba |
| bp |
| bx |
| cn |
| cs |
| ra |
| rae |
| raf |
| rag |
| rahp |
| rax |
| rba |
| rbp |
| rbx |
| rcn |
| rcs |
| fb |
| E |
| E-g |
| E-n |
| EM |
| EM-g |
| EM-n |
| FEM |
| FM |
| FS |
| FSE |
| FSM |
| Fg |
| Fl |
| Fp |
| M |
| M-g |
| M-n |
| S |
| S-g |
| S-n |
| SE |
| SE-g |
| SE-n |
| SM |
| SM-g |
| SM-n |
| rE |
| rE-n |
| rEM |
| rEM-g |
| rEM-n |
| rFE |
| rFEM |
| rFM |
| rFS |
| rFSE |
| rFSM |
| rFg |
| rFl |
| rFp |
| rM |
| rM-g |
| rM-n |
| rS |
| rS-g |
| rS-n |
| rSE |
| rSE-g |
| rSE-n |
| rSM |
| rSM-g |
| rSM-n |
| BG |
| BS |
| BT |
| Bc |
| Bf |
| Bm |
| G |
| Ga |
| Gm |
| La |
| Lf |
| Lg |
| Lq |
| Pl |
| p |
| rBG |
| rBS |
| rBT |
| rBc |
| rBf |
| rBm |
| rG |
| rGm |
| rLf |
| rLg |
| rLq |
| rPl |
| rp |
| rc |
| rca |
| rcg |
| rm |
| rm-c |
| rst |
| Slag |
| cg |
| fe |
| mn |
| q |
| qb |
| qc |
| qe |
| ql |
| qs |
| rq |
| rqc |
| t |
| ts |
| bif |
| gh |
| gq |
| gs |
| mg |
| ms |
| qf |
| qg |
| qm |
| rms |
| rqg |
Shear zone boundaries - CUR solid geology (132)
| State or Territory border |
| Narrow schist zone or fautl, position accurate |
| Fault, concealed |
| Fault, inferred |
| Fault, position approximate |
| Fault, position accurate |
| Schist zone boundary - inferred |
| Schist zone boundary - position accurate |
| Unconformity - concealed |
| Unconformity - position approximate |
Shear zone polygons - CUR solid geology (133)
Geological boundaries & misc. boundaries - CUR solid geology (134)
| Unconformity, inferred |
| Unconformity, approximately |
| Transitional geological boundary |
| Transitional geological boundary |
| State or Territory border |
| Intrusive contact, inferred. |
| Geological boundary, position approximate |
| Geological boundary, position accurate |
| Geological boundary, inferred |
| Geological boundary, concealed |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data |
Faults and schist zones - CUR solid geology (135)
| Schist zone boundary |
| Fault, position accurate |
| Fault, position approximate |
| Fault, inferred |
| Fault, concealed |
| Narrow shear zone |
| Narrow schist zone or fault |
Rock Units - patterns - CUR solid geology (136)
| Amphibolite |
| Basalt |
| Conglomerate |
| Diamictite |
| Diorite |
| Dolerite |
| Dolomite |
| Gabbro |
| Granite |
| Limestone |
| Pegmatite |
Rock Units - colours - CUR solid geology (137)
| Euu__d |
| MPmu |
| MPuu__p |
| NP__b |
| NP__l |
| NP__r |
| NPfa |
| NPfac |
| NPfad |
| NPfaf |
| NPfaf_q |
| NPfal |
| NPfam |
| NPfas |
| NPgrv |
| NPpow |
| NPpp |
| NPppc |
| NPppl |
| NPpwb |
| NPte |
| NPtec |
| NPtef |
| NPtef_c |
| NPtem |
| NPtem_b |
| NPtet |
| NPtet_c |
| NPtet_l |
| NPtew |
| NPtey |
| NPto |
| NPtt |
| NPtt_a |
| NPtta |
| NPttd |
| NPttg |
| NPttn |
| NPty |
| NPtyb |
| NPtyi |
| NPtym |
| NPtyt |
| NPtyu |
| NPtyuk |
| NPtyw |
| NPtyy |
| NPuu__a |
| NPuu__g |
| NPuu__p |
| NPuu__s |
| PPbh |
| PPbha |
| PPbhae |
| PPbhf |
| PPbhh |
| PPbhp |
| PPcu |
| PPcu__l |
| PPcu__m |
| PPlla |
| PPlls |
| PPpa |
| PPpa__g |
| PPpab |
| PPpac |
| PPpack |
| PPpad |
| PPra |
| PPrae |
| PPraf |
| PPram |
| PPrar |
| PPsc |
| PPsca |
| PPscg |
| PPscr |
| PPscs |
| PPscw |
| PPsu |
| PPth |
| PPthc |
| PPthh |
| PPthl |
| PPuu__p |
| PPw |
| PPw___a |
| PPw_t |
| PPw_tc |
| PZui__m |