Structure Points PTB (1)
| Strike of strata, dip not determine |
| Palaeocurrent |
| Horizontal bedding (strata) |
| Strike and dip of strata, facing not known |
| Strike and dip of bedding |
| Strike and dip of inverted strata |
| Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging |
| Vertical bedding (strata) |
| Strike and dip of foliation |
| Strike and dip of foliation, dip indeterminate. |
| Strike and dip of cleavage |
| Vertical cleavage |
| Strike and dip of fault plane |
| Vertical Faulting |
| Minor anticline showing plunge, upright |
| Vertical joint |
| Strike and dip of joint |
| Minor fold showing plunge |
Fold Axes PTB (2)
| Anticline, concealed |
| Anticline, inferred |
| Anticline, position accurate |
| Anticline, position approximate |
| Antiform, concealed |
| Boundary of tectonic basin/centrocline |
| Fold axial surface trace, accurate. |
| Fold axial surface trace, approximate. |
| Hingeline, concealed |
| Monocline, inferred |
| Monocline, position accurate |
| Monocline, position approximate |
| Syncline, concealed |
| Syncline, inferred |
| Syncline, inferred, concealed |
| Syncline, position accurate |
| Syncline, position approximate |
| Synform, position approximate |
| Tectonic dome |
Trendline PTB (3)
| Bedding trend, airphoto interpreted |
| Boundary of tectonic basin/centrocline |
| Dyke interpreted from geophysical data |
| Dyke or Vein |
| Dyke, accurate |
| Dyke, approximate |
| Fracture Zone |
| Hoskissons Coal - Subcrop/limit of subsurface extent |
| Isopach, line joing points of equal seam thickness |
| Lineament interpreted from geophysical data |
| Lineament |
| Structural contour, accurate |
Geological Boundaries Faults PTB (4)
| invisible line |
| Map edge or end of data |
| Geological boundary, position accurate |
| Geological boundary, position approximate |
| Geological boundary, inferred |
| Geological boundary, concealed |
| Geological boundary, inferred, concealed |
| Transitional geological boundary |
| Coal member subcrop line defining formation boundary |
| Coal seam outcrop |
| Concealed coal seam subcrop line |
| Marker bed 01 |
| Fault, position accurate |
| Fault, position approximate |
| Fault, inferred |
| Fault, concealed |
| Fault, inferred, concealed |
| Vertical fault, block Up-down |
| Vertical fault, block Down-Up |
| Fault showing relative displacement, inferred |
| Normal fault, accurate |
| Normal fault, approximate |
| Normal fault, inferred |
| Normal fault, concealed |
| Thrust-fault, accurate. |
| Thrust-fault, approximate |
| Thrust fault, inferred |
| Thrust fault, concealed |
| Reverse fault, approximate |
| Reverse fault, inferred |
| Reverse fault, inferred, concealed |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data |
| Fault interpreted from geophysical data |
| Fault interpreted from geophysical data - position inferred |
| Fault interpreted from geophysical data - inferred,concealed |
| Coastline |
| Water feature boundary |
| Lake edge |
| Escarpment |
| Landslips |
| State or Territory border |
Rock Units Patterns PTB (5)
| Basalt |
| Breccia |
| Conglomerate |
| Pyroclastic rock |
| Rhyolite |
Rock Units Colours PTB (6)
| Cutt |
| P__ga |
| P__gb |
| P__gd |
| P__ge |
| P__gm |
| P__gs |
| P__gu |
| P__j |
| P__o |
| P__r |
| P__r_b |
| P__r_l |
| P__r_s |
| P__u |
| P__y |
| Pac |
| Pbb |
| Pbel |
| Pbem |
| Pbj |
| Pbnd |
| Pco |
| Pda |
| Pda__b |
| Pda__c |
| Pdaa |
| Pdaab |
| Pdab |
| Pdac |
| Pdaf |
| Pdaf_s |
| Pdai |
| Pdal |
| Pdal_b |
| Pdar |
| Pdarr |
| Pdat |
| Pded |
| Pdem |
| Pdew |
| Pgad |
| Pgaw |
| Pgc |
| Pgcc |
| Pgce |
| Pgcj |
| Pgcl |
| Pgclj |
| Pgcw |
| Pgls |
| Pgr |
| Pgrr |
| Pgrs |
| Pib |
| Pibm |
| Pice |
| Picp |
| Pihl |
| Pihw |
| Pihw_s |
| Pil |
| Pin |
| Pmip |
| Pmiw |
| Pmtb |
| Pmtbc |
| Pmtbf |
| Pmti |
| Pmti_c |
| Pmtm |
| Pmtmd |
| Pmtmg |
| Pmtu |
| Pnb |
| Pnd |
| Pne |
| Pnew |
| Pnl |
| Pnm |
| Ps |
| Ps_m |
| Psh |
| Pshb |
| Pshn |
| Pshr |
| Pshs |
| Psht |
| Pshw |
| Pshy |
| Ptac |
| Ptap |
| Pto |
| Pug |
| Pui__d |
| Puma |
| Puma_d |
| Puma_r |
| Puma_t |
| Pumaa |
| Pumab |
| Pumal |
| Pumas |
| Pumb |
| Pumm |
| Pus |
| Puta |
| Puta_d |
| Putb |
| Pute |
| Pute_b |
| Pute_r |
| Pute_s |
| Putg |
| Putl |
| Pwj |
| Pwj_s |
| Pwjd |
| Pwt__c |
| Pwta |
| Pwts |
| Pwts_s |
| Pwv |
| Pwv_s |
| T__c |
| Tcag |
| Tcaj |
| Tcal |
| Tna |
| Tna__l |
| Tna__q |
| Tnac |
| Tnc |
| Tnca |
| Tncb |
| Tncc |
| Tnck |
| Tncm |
| Tnco |
| Tncp |
| Tncs |
| Tnct |
| Tncu |
| Tncw |
| Tngb |
| Tngt |
| Tnrb |
| Tnrbw |
| Tnrm |
| Tnru |
| Tuii |
| Tuiw |
| Tut |
| Tut__v |
| Tutd |
| Tute |
| Tuth |
| Tuth_l |
| Tutm |
| Tutn |
| Tutw |
| Twi |
| Twia |
| Twib |
| Twib_s |
| Twibm |
| Twibr |
| Twim |