Structure Points THO (1)
| Strike and dip of bedding |
| Vertical bedding (strata) |
| Horizontal bedding (strata) |
| Strike and dip of inverted strata |
| Strike and dip of strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing/younging |
| Vertical strata. Dot indicates proved direction of facing |
| Strike and dip of strata, facing not known |
| Vertical strata, facing/younging not known |
| Strike and dip of strata, dip not estimated |
| Palaeocurrent; Paleocurrent |
| Strike and dip of schistosity; Stike and dip of late stage schistosity |
| Strike and dip of cleavage |
| Vertical cleavage |
| Trend azimuth of cleavage, dip not measured |
| Plunge of bedding-cleavage intersection |
| Strike and dip of vein |
| Vertical vein |
| Minor anticline showing plunge, upright |
| Minor antiform showing plunge |
| Minor fold showing plunge |
| Kink fold showing plunge |
| Strike and dip of joint |
| Vertical joint |
| Strike and dip direction of cleavage, dip amount indeterminate. |
| Strike and dip of cleavage, S2. |
| Plunge of crenulation lineation |
| Plunge of mineral elongation/alignment |
| Prevailing strike and dip of platy alignment/igneous banding. |
| Vertical platy alignment/igneous banding. |
Fold Axes THO (2)
| Anticline, inferred |
| Anticline, position accurate |
| Syncline, inferred |
| Syncline, position accurate |
| Syncline, position approximate |
Trendline THO (3)
| Trendline |
| Alluvial gold workings, accurate. |
| Bedding trend, airphoto interpreted |
| Bedding trend, interpreted from geophysics |
| Breccia zone |
| Deep structures interpreted from geophysics |
| Dyke interpreted from geophysical data |
| Dyke or Vein |
| Dyke, accurate |
| Dyke, approximate |
| Dyke, normally magnetic, interpreted from geophysics. |
| Foliation trend, interpreted from geophysics |
| Fracture/joint |
| Fracture/joint, interpreted from geophysics |
| Joint trend |
| Lineament interpreted from geophysical data; 16.05.07f |
| Lineament; 12.04.04 |
| Quartz reef |
| Reversely magnetised features forming narrow, continuous trends |
| Schist zone boundary, Broken Hill Mapping |
| Trend-line interpreted from aeromagnetic data, linear structure of unknown origin |
| Trend-line interpreted from geophysical data |
| Vein, accurate |
| Vein, approximate |
Geological Boundaries Faults THO (4)
| Deep structures interpreted from geophysics |
| Fault interpreted from geophysical data |
| Fault, concealed |
| Fault, inferred |
| Fault, inferred, concealed |
| Fault, position accurate |
| Fault, position approximate |
| Features showing normal, reverse or dipolar magnetic anomalies |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data |
| Geological boundary interpreted from geophysical data - position inferred |
| Geological boundary, concealed |
| Geological boundary, inferred |
| Geological boundary, inferred, concealed |
| Geological boundary, position accurate |
| Geological boundary, position approximate |
| Intrusive contact, concealed. |
| Intrusive contact, interpreted from geophysics. |
| Limit of contact metamorphism, approximate, interpreted from geophysics. |
| Major fault interpreted from aeromagnetic data |
| Map edge or end of data |
| Marker bed 1 |
| Marker bed 2 |
| Marker bed 3 |
| Marker bed 4 |
| Marker bed 5 |
| Marker bed 6 |
| Minor fault, interpreted from aeromagnetic data |
| Small features showing moderate magnetic intensity, interpreted as possible intrusions |
| State or Territory border |
Rock Units Patterns THO (5)
| Basalt |
| Diorite |
| Granite |
| Granitic rock |
| Granodiorite |
| Igneous rock |
| Mafic igneous rock |
| Monzodiorite |
| Porphyry |
Rock Units Colours THO (6)
| D__h |
| D__m |
| D__o |
| Dlu |
| Dlub |
| E__e |
| Ewa |
| Ewae |
| Ewae_a |
| Ewae_b |
| Ewae_c |
| Ewae_d |
| Ewae_e |
| Ewae_h |
| Ewae_m |
| Ewae_p |
| Ewae_s |
| Ewae_t |
| Ewae_v |
| Ewaj |
| Ewaj_m |
| Ewaj_p |
| Ewaj_s |
| Eway |
| Eway_m |
| O__b |
| PZ__g |
| PZ__h |
| PZ__k |
| PZ__l |
| PZ__m |
| PZ__n |
| PZ__t |
| PZ__u |
| PZ__w |
| PZcz |
| PZgz |
| PZiu |
| PZiz |
| PZlz |
| PZnz |
| PZoz |
| PZtz |
| PZui |
| PZui__a |
| PZui__h |
| PZwz |
| PZyz |
| Puo__d |
| S__r |
| Sti |
| Stic |
| Stid |
| Stid_d |
| Stit |
| Stit_d |
| Stit_g |
| Stit_p |